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The Chakras - Kacha Stones Chakras are subtle energy vortexes that move and express our essential life force This life force is known by many names Taoists call it chi Indian yogis call it Exploring the Seven Major Chakras of the Human Body If the chakras are opened to much a person could literally short circuit themselves with too much universal energy going through the body If the chakras are closed The 7 Chakras - A Beginners Guide To Your Energy System What on earth is a Chakra? Read this easy to understand article to get a good understanding of your body's 7 chakra centers and spiritual energy system Manipra Chakra - Chakras and Kundalini Science by Manipra Chakra Mani = pearl jewel Pra = place city After we have passed through the levels of unconscious and subconscious the Mldhra Chakra and the The 7 Major Chakras - Healing Benefits and How to Tell if Our chakras are funnel-shaped spinning energy vortexes of multicolored light The term "chakra" comes from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel or disc Chakra - Wikipedia Chakra (IAST: Cakra meaning "wheel circle") sometimes spelled Cakra or Cakka is any center of subtle body believed to be psychic-energy centers in the esoteric About Chakras The Energy Centers That Shape Our Lives Chakras are vital energy centers in your energy field They shape your health and your life Info on chakra colors locations associations Bindu Chakra - Chakras and Kundalini Science by Paramhans The Qualities and Symbols Exercises and Meditations for awakening and purification of Bindu Chakra Centres d'nergie et de conscience : Les Chakras Les Chakras Les chakras sont des points prcis du corps par lesquels les changes nergtiques ont Chakras the Seven Life-Force Energy Centers The Chakras System Our Seven Life-Force Energy Centers Chakra is a Sanskrit word literally meaning "wheel" These centers were named as such
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